Friday, December 19, 2008

Cowboys vs. San Fran

Recently my wife and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. She pulled the " lets not get each other anything" card. Next thing I know we're in the care driving to the airport. So the first thing that comes to mind is that she is taking me to Hawaii ( I don't know why I thought this). Once we arrive at the airport it had occurred to me, we're going to see the Cowboys/Niners game.

My face must have lit up like a kid at Christmas time. The cowboys who I have been a fan of my whole life, not to mention have never seen in person, are playing the Niners in one of the biggest rivalries of all time.

After we arrived at Dallas Fort-Worth we rented a car and checked into our hotel room. We got to bed early because of the time changes. You better believe I was up and ready to go bright and early. Of coarse my wife did not understand the importance of getting there early. We arrived to the stadium and the festivities began. First stop, the beer stand! Even though we sat in the upper deck, it is not that far from the field, as some people may know TV makes everything bigger.

We sat and watched the players come and go onto and off the field. In no time the game started and the start was not pretty. The Niner came out looking impressive with over 140 passing yards in the first quarter alone. I have to admit, though the score was only 6-0 Niners after the first quarter, I thought Dallas was gonna have a long day.

Not long after the second quarter started the Cowboys came back with 22 un-answered point starting with a huge touchdown to Terrell Owens. As they say, "that was all she wrote", the Niners never stood a chance after that. The Dallas defense was just nasty and the offense was not kind to the Niner defense.

The final score being 35-22 Dallas over the Niners. All in all it was a great day for the Cowboys and an even better more memorable day for me. A life long dream come true and some good time spent with my wife. I cant wait to do this again next year at the new stadium being built just down the road.

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